
Articles Posted in Rebuilding Credit Scores


How Important Are Student Loans in a Credit Report?

We recently filed a dispute for one of our clients for student loans that were not accurately reported on her credit reports following our settlement.  What a difference it made — 595 to 749! I’ve received a letter today from Equifax stating that the 4 disputed XXXX accounts have been…


Have You Wondered Why You Can Never Seem To Get Ahead?

Inflation and interest rates are the two primary culprits. Bankruptcy can actually be a fix to this problem and is something that everyone should evaluate NOW.  Does it make sense to clear the deck and start fresh?  Especially when that deck is stacked against most Americans who are not otherwise…


Home Buying Tips: Avoid Origination Fees

Many Floridians have moved beyond the foreclosure crisis and are now in the market to buy a home – we have some credit rebuilding tips in our free e-book “Reboot Your Life After Bankruptcy”  This e-book is not just for those in bankruptcy, but it also may help those…


Duty to Report Accurately Does Not End Once Ownership of An Account Transfers or is Sold.

Many of our clients are getting their feet back under them now from the bankruptcies and foreclosures of the past few years.  In our efforts to help them improve credit scores, we often will see an old creditor which reports a debt inaccurately after its been sold or transferred to…


Florida Statute of Limitations on Credit Card Lawsuits

If a creditor waits too long to sue, the creditor can be barred from ever bringing suit.  The purpose of having a statute of limitations is so that lawsuits are brought when the matter is still fresh:  before documents are destroyed and memories fade.  If they can no longer bring…


A Giant Leap Forward for Short Sales: Fannie Mae’s New Rules Fix Credit Glitch

Traditionally in Florida, doing a short sale rather than allowing a foreclosure sale to occur is considered much better for your credit. Not so much difference in credit score per se, but mostly for future governmental financing when it is time to buy a home again. You may think who…


Can I Buy a House after a Bankruptcy?

It will take less time than you think to qualify to buy a home after bankruptcy. I generally advise my Florida clients that they will likely qualify within 2-5 years. Where do these numbers come from exactly? FHA and HUD regulations are readily available online. If you have filed a…


Dissecting your Credit Score

A lot of our clients in the Tampa Bay area have questions regarding how exactly their credit score will be impacted by a short sale, foreclosure, or a bankruptcy. A recent article by FICO, Banking Analytics Blog, researched these very questions. The FICO study focused on three sample consumers with…

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